Planning career

Career Perspectives in Post-Pandemic: Understanding Their “Needs and Skills”

Well, understanding the conditions of workplace’s opportunities cannot only be seen from one side. Both employers and talents need to understand the opportunities that exist. One year has passed, the pandemic is still happening today. How are the job opportunities?

The opportunities that employers offer always interested for job seekers. But, Is the job you offer attractive for them? Opportunities are important, but job seekers are thinking about their safety at work. Life is indeed with work, in other words, a new post-pandemic pattern has begun.

Employers must understand that the job offered must to apply physical distancing at work and also mental health for job seekers. Currently, there are many new words that are familiar to be heard such as the word “remote-job“, “work-from-home“, “work-from-anywhere“, and I don’t think this will stop just until the pandemic era, but in the future it will be new culture.

So, to run a remote business, that’s must employers have to prepare:

1. First of all, prepare and improve your digital literacy. Understanding digital literacy doesn’t mean that we have to always be ready with a laptop, but we can take advantage of small things like mobile phones. There are many products that can be used and can be accessed by mobile phone, so take advantage of what you have to find more insights.

2. Adjust the organizational culture. Company culture is very important because good intentions will result in a good jobs, then improve company reputation and employee engagement.

3. Formulate business company with plans and targets. Finding employees needs to be based on what job roles they need to achieve. If your targets aren’t clear, you get nothing from your employees, under expectations either.

4. Use their “needs” into your “opportunities”. The most important things that is access and communication, at least try to build attachment at least once in a week to discuss their difficulties with virtual meeting, focus on problems and solutions.

5. Take advantage of job opportunities with a flexible work arrangement. Employees can focus on a lot of work and the many opportunities they have. So, let employees set their own schedule while remote-job, WFH or WFA. In the end, you have many opportunities to provide financial expenses, but their job is still well done. So, they don’t have to work in one company, work-life integration, so they can all do it all at the same time.

HR professionals should view a good workplace culture as an investment that can improve employee quality and increase profits for the company. To run a company with a remote work culture, consider the company’s readiness.

To better understand the difference between drivers that influence job seekers’ decisions in finding a work place in various industries and insight for HR professionals you can learn more detail in another articles on Talentiva website. We can help employers to get remote-talents to have opportunities in part-time job, freelance, and internship.

See you fellas!

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